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Authors: Walda, H.  
Title: Face of igcyr139500 Honours for the Syracusan Kleupatra
Date issued: 2008
Chronology: 180/100 B.C.
Historical Period: Hellenistic period
Subject: IGCyr139500 - Honours for the Syracusan Kleupatra

Walda, H. Face of igcyr139500 Honours for the Syracusan Kleupatra, 2008, IRCyr archive

Rectangular panel of white marble, slightly chipped off on its edges and at one angle on the rear (0.30 0.136 0.06)

Inscribed on the face in seven lines, the right half of the fourth one having been obliterated

Place: Cyrene, Libya  
Publisher: Università di Bologna
Languages: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Project: IGCyr  
Fond: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (2nd edition)  
Data provider: IRCyr project  
Rights holder: IRCyr project  
Appears in Collections:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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