IGCyr | GVCyr Images Pagina iniziale della Collezione

Organization: University of Bologna

Creators: Catherine Dobias-Lalou, Alice Bencivenni

Extent: The collection includes 1297 photographic materials from several archival collections made available by IGCyr project partners and content holders. The images are photographs of the stones and/or squeezes, as well as drawings and pages from notebooks.

Abstract: Images illustrating the inscriptions published in Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica. Second edition, in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, Hugues Berthelot, with help from Simona Antolini, Silvia Maria Marengo, and Emilio Rosamilia; Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, with help from Joyce M. Reynolds and Charlotte Roueché. Second edition designed by Irene Vagionakis. Bologna: Alma-DL, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 2024. ISBN 9788854971370, https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2

Description: IGCyr|GVCyr Images is a collection of images pertaining to the epigraphic corpora Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica and Greek Verse inscriptions of Cyrenaica. It includes images related to the great majority of the inscriptions from Greek Cyrenaica (VII-I BC) and to the Greek verse inscriptions from Greek and Roman Cyrenaica (VII BC-VII AD). Images of inscriptions, drawings, facsimiles, squeezes are stored in the archives of the Centre de recherches sur la Libye antique of the Université Paris IV Sorbonne, in the private archive of the editor of the corpora Catherine Dobias-Lalou, in the archives of Università di Macerata, in the archives of Department of Antiquities of Libia, in the archives of the Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica project in London and at some other institutions. Some reproductions of images already published in printed epigraphic editions complete the collection, which is a rich iconographic resource on the Greek epigraphy of Cyrenaica.

History: Archive materials digitized in the framework of IGCyr project.

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Documenti (Ordinati per Data d'inserimento in Ordine decrescente): da 1 a 20 di 1412
PreviewData di pubblicazioneEstremo cronologico inizialeEstremo cronologico finaleTitoloFondo RadiceAutore/iAltri autoriTipo di risorsaTipologia fisicaNumero di corda
igcyr139500-1-face.tiff.jpg2008Face of igcyr139500 Honours for the Syracusan KleupatraIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Walda, H.  still image
igcyr139400-1-view.tiff.jpg1934View of igcyr139400 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Massoul, M.  still image
igcyr139400-2-detail.tiff.jpg1934Detail of igcyr139400 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Massoul, M.  still image
gvcyr061-1-squeeze.tiff.jpg1979Squeeze of gcyr061 Unclear poetic fragmentIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
gvcyr060-2-ll.1-20.tiff.jpg2020Lines 1-20 of gvcyr060 Epitaph of NikeIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Alshareef, H.  still image
gvcyr060-1-view.tiff.jpg2020View of gvcyr060 Epitaph of NikeIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Alshareef, H.  still image
igcyr065200-6-squeezefrgc.tiff.jpg1982Squeeze of fragment c of igcyr065200 List of contributorsIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
igcyr104500-4-drawing.tiff.jpg1930Drawing of igcyr104500 tithe for ApolloIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Pernier, L.  still image
igcyr104300-2-drawing.tiff.jpg1930Drawing of igcyr104300 Tithe for ApolloIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Pernier, L.  still image
gvcyr023-2-drawing.tiff.jpg1930Drawing of gvcyr023 Dedication of a hecatomb by HermesandrosIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Pernier, L.  still image
igcyr139300-1-drawing.tiff.jpg2003Drawing of igcyr139300 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Buzaian, A.  still image
igcyr139200-2-face.tiff.jpg2010Face of igcyr139200 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Rosamilia, E.  still image
igcyr139200-1-view.tiff.jpg2010View of igcyr139200 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Rosamilia, E.  still image
igcyr139100-1-face.tiff.jpg2012Face of igcyr139100 List of namesIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Rosamilia, E.  still image
igcyr139000-1-face.tiff.jpg2019Face of igcyr139000 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Alhase, F. A.  still image
igcyr138900-1-view.tiff.jpg1980View of igcyr138900 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Paci, G.  still image
igcyr138800-2-face.tiff.jpg2020Face of igcyr138800 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Bohlega, A.  still image
igcyr138800-1-view.tiff.jpg1980View of igcyr138800 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Paci, G.  still image
igcyr138700-1-squeeze.tiff.jpg1979Squeeze of igcyr138700 NameIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
igcyr138600-2-squeeze.tiff.jpg1979Squeeze of igcyr138600 UnclearIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
Documenti (Ordinati per Data d'inserimento in Ordine decrescente): da 1 a 20 di 1412