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Autore: Chighine, M.  
Titolo: Drawing of fragments a and b+c of igcyr081100 Account
Data secolare: 5th Century B.C.
Periodo storico: Classical period
Soggetto: IGCyr081100 - Accounts

Chighine, M. Drawing of fragments a and b+c of igcyr081100 Account, from Gasperini1990, p.19. Missione archeologica a Cirene, Università di Urbino.

Lead tablet, found open, but broken into 19 fragments: one larger fragment (a), broken off on all sides, but probably keeping the original first line and the left margin (0.06 0.086 0.001), the rest consisting of two smaller, joining fragments (b + c) and sixteen tiny fragments (d-s) with one or two letters.

Engraved on one side, nearly stoichedon.

Temporal period is uncertain.

Documenti collegati: Drawing of fragments d to s of igcyr081100 Account
Fragment a of igcyr081100 Account
Luogo: Cyrene, Libya  
Editore: Università di Bologna
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Progetto: IGCyr  
Fondo: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (1st edition)  
Altre risorse:
Data provider: Missione archeologica a Cirene, Università di Urbino  
Detentore dei diritti: Missione archeologica a Cirene, Università di Urbino  
Compare nelle collezioni:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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