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Autore: Ferri, S.  
Titolo: Drawing of igcyr051900 Sacred law (?)
Data: 1922
Data secolare: 4th Century B.C.
3rd Century B.C.
Periodo storico: Hellenistic period
Classical period
Soggetto: IGCyr051900 - Sacred law (?)
Parole chiave: Nymphae

Ferri, S. Drawing of igcyr051900 Sacred law (?), 1922, from Ferri1922, fig. 14.

On the left outer wall of the entrance door of a rock -cut chamber inside which IGCyr051800 is inscribed.

Scratched graffito, whose condition has deteriorated since first recorded. Ferri recorded a rock-cut panel (0.83 1.00) and spoke of at least 32 lines, whereas his drawing shows 19 with gaps; one line amongst the others is written in larger characters and might not pertain to the same text (thus here presented as textpart b).

Luogo: Cyrene, Libya  
Editore: Università di Bologna
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Progetto: IGCyr  
Fondo: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (1st edition)  
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