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Titolo: Face of gvcyr030 Dedication to Apollo
Data secolare: 2nd Century A.D.
Periodo storico: Roman period
Soggetto: GVCyr030 - Dedication to Apollo of his re-built temple
Parole chiave: Phoibos

Face of gvcyr030 Dedication to Apollo, inv. n. E320. Department of Antiquities, Shahat.

Damaged white marble pillar consisting of a pair of orthostates, standing on a base inscribed with IRCyr2020 C.222, moulded on three sides; this inscription on the main (Eastern) face of the shaft below IRCyr2020 C.223; (together 0.82 1.06 0.69); IRCyr2020 C.222 is on the left face.

Inscribed in four lines on the lower part of the face; an incised palm branch and an ivy leaf precede the beginning of l. 1; the same may have been lost at the end of l. 4.; the other lines are aligned at left and begin near the edge, implying that a large margin was leeft at right if the block was complete at the time of engraveing..

Documenti collegati: View of gvcyr030 Dedication to Apollo
Luogo: Cyrene, Libya  
Editore: Università di Bologna
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Progetto: IGCyr  
Fondo: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (1st edition)  
Altre risorse:
Data provider: Department of Antiquities, Shahat  
Detentore dei diritti: Department of Antiquities, Shahat  
Compare nelle collezioni:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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