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Altro autore: Anastasios II  
Titolo: Late Roman Christian epigram commemorating the dedication of an image of Maron, Rhodes city
Estremo cronologico iniziale: 300
Estremo cronologico finale: 499
Periodo storico: Early Byzantine/Late Antique Period

Christian epigram commemorating the dedication of an image of Maron, Rhodes city; Anastasios’ benefaction mentioned in the text probably was the erection of a fountain.

Chronological details: 4th/5th cent. A.D

Luogo: Grand Master's Palace, Greece  
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Tipo di supporto: marble (rock)
Progetto: BYZART Project  
Fondo: OUC Georgios Deligiannakis Archive  
Tipo di oggetto: inscriptions
Materiale e tecnica: carving (processes)
Data provider: Open University of Cyprus  
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