Ricerca per Autore Georgios

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006_013_054308_01.tif.jpg-10001099Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus, Koutsoventis, Monastery of Saint John Chrysostom, general view of katholikon and chapel from north-east (B66043)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes); katholika; chapels (rooms or structures)
007_036_108930_01.jpg.jpg-18451845St PanteleimonBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_109176_01.jpg.jpg-18451845St PanteleimonBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_108931_01.jpg.jpg-18451845St Panteleimon, detail with the donor inscriptionBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_109177_01.jpg.jpg-18451845St Panteleimon, detail with the donor inscriptionBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_108932_01.jpg.jpg-18451845St Panteleimon, detail with the signature of the icon painterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_109178_01.jpg.jpg-18451845St Panteleimon, detail with the signature of the icon painterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_108928_01.jpg.jpg-18451845Virgin the Unfading Bloom with saintsBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_036_108929_01.jpg.jpg-18451845Virgin the Unfading Bloom with saints, detail with the signature of the icon painterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Georgios  still imageicons (devotional images)