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Contributors: Constantia Augusta  
Title: Sarcophagus of Constantia (detail)
Start date: 340
End date: 360
Historical Period: Early Byzantine/Late Antique Period

Detail of the front of the red-porphyry sarcophagus of Constantia Augusta, later St. Constance, daughter of the Emperor Constantine the Great. The front, like the three other sides, is decorated with garlands and grape vines, large acanthus scrolls and cupids harvesting grapes. Below the scrolls, there are two peacocks, a ram and a cupid bearing a garland. The lid is decorated with alternate festoons of greenery and masks.

Chronological details: ca. 340/360

Place: Musées du Vatican, Italy  
Languages: No linguistic content; Not applicable
Medium: porphyry
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: UNIBO Zeri Foundation  
Physical type: sarcophagi (coffins)
Material and technique: carving (processes)
relief (sculpture techniques)
Data provider: University of Bologna  
Rights holder: Vatican Museums, Rome  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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