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Authors: Castagnoli and Cozza  
Title: Roma: Basilica dei SS. Cosma e Damiano. La parete nord-ovest della aula: pianta e alzato (a) frammento del muro perimetrale sud-ovest del Foro della Pace, pianta e alzato; b) incassi dei capitelli; c) incasso del trave angolare del tetto del portico) (Castagnoli e Cozza, 1959)

Plan and perspective drawing of the north-western wall of SS. Cosmas and Damian basilica in Rome (a. fragment of the south-western perimeter wall of Forum Pacis, plan and perspective drawing; b. capitals recesses; c. roof angular beam recess

Place: Rome, Italy  
Languages: No linguistic content; Not applicable
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: UNIBO Bovini Archive  
Physical type: architectural drawings (visual works)
Data provider: University of Bologna  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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