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Authors: Italic master of the so-called Palace of Theodoric  
Title: Ravenna, Il cosiddetto Palazzo di Teodorico, Pavimento musivo dell'ambiente C
Start date: 1
End date: 399
Historical Period: Imperial/Late Roman

Ravenna, the so-called Palace of Theodoric, C area: detail of floor mosaic fragment depicting two figures framed in section in a geometric motif background.

Place: Ex chiesa di San Salvatore ad Calchi (Cosiddetto Palazzo di Teodorico), Italy  
Languages: No linguistic content; Not applicable
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: Museum of Ravenna Cidm Archive  
Physical type: mosaics (visual works)
Material and technique: mosaic (process)
Data provider: Museum of Ravenna  
License: All rights reserved
Rights holder: Polo Museale Emilia Romagna  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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