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Title: Μουσείο Ιεράς Μονής Κύκκου (Κύπρος): Πρωτόγραμμα Ο με παράσταση του Ιησού. Λεπτομέρεια από το περγαμηνό λειτουργικό ειλητάριο, 12ος αιώνας
Start date: 1100
End date: 1199
Historical Period: Middle Byzantine Period

Decorated initial O with bearded Christ. Detail from the two-way (boustrophedon) written parchment manuscript roll containing the Holy Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostomos in Greek. It is one of the oldest objects on display in the Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos.

Place: Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos, Cyprus  
Languages: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Medium: parchment (animal material)
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: OUC Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos  
Physical type: manuscripts (documents)
Data provider: Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos  
License: All rights reserved
Rights holder: Museum of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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