Statistiche: Hadrian's Library, Greece

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Geo Map
Continente #
NA - Nord America 56
EU - Europa 39
AS - Asia 28
AF - Africa 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 126
Nazione #
US - United States of America 54
SG - Singapore 27
IT - Italy 24
GR - Greece 10
GB - United Kingdom 2
MX - Mexico 2
AU - Australia 1
DE - Germany 1
ES - Spain 1
LB - Lebanon 1
other - Altre nazioni 3
Total 126
Città #
Springfield 13
Sandston 6
Prineville 5
Singapore 5
Ashburn 4
Athens 3
Chicago 2
Forest City 2
Lanciano 2
Larissa 2
other 82
Totale 126
Items più visitati #
ID: 9921 - Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch, fragment of mosaic floor 20
ID: 22043 - Honorary epigram to the Praetorian Prefect Herculius by the sophist Plutarchus (AD 408-410). Entrance to the Library of Hadrian, Athens 11
ID: 68497 - Greece, Athens, area of the Hadrian's Library, propylon and Justinainic wall 6
ID: 9751 - Athens, plan of roman Agorà in Late Antiquity 5
ID: 9752 - Athens, Tetraconch of the Hadrian's Library, fragment of mosaic floor 5
ID: 32507 - Greece, Athens, plan of the Megali Panayia, second phase when it was elongated into a basilica 4
ID: 68424 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 4
ID: 9732 - Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 4
ID: 21241 - Atene. Megale Panagia. Resti del pilastrino nord con arcata e colonne architravata 3
ID: 68419 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch, floor mosaic 3
ID: 68427 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 3
ID: 68501 - Greece, Athens, area of the Hadrian's Library, propylon and Justinainic wall 3
ID: 68525 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 3
ID: 68527 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, floor mosaic 3
ID: 68541 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, Corinthian capitals 3
ID: 21244 - Atene: Stoa di Adriano. Capitello 2
ID: 23368 - Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 2
ID: 68418 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch, banded masonry 2
ID: 68528 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, floor mosaic 2
ID: 68537 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, wall (detail) 2
ID: 68540 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 2
ID: 68544 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, threshold 2
ID: 68549 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, marble fragments with incised crosses 2
ID: 68730 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, tetraconch church phases, plan 2
ID: 9749 - Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 2
ID: 21245 - Atena: Stoa di Adrinano. Fronte Ovest col propileo 1
ID: 21937 - Atene. Biblioteca d'Adriano (Negativo Prof. Bovini) 1
ID: 32517 - Greece, Athens, plan of the Hadrian's library with the Megali Panayia 1
ID: 32662 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library and Megali Panayia 1
ID: 32668 - Greece, Athens, plan of the Megali Panayia 1
ID: 50874 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library and Megali Panayia 1
ID: 68420 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 1
ID: 68421 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's Library, Tetraconch 1
ID: 68520 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68521 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68522 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68523 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68524 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68526 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, wall 1
ID: 68529 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68530 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, floor mosaic 1
ID: 68532 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, wall 1
ID: 68534 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68535 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68536 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68538 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, wall (detail) 1
ID: 68539 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68542 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, column bases 1
ID: 68543 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church, pilaster base 1
ID: 68545 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
ID: 68552 - Greece, Athens, Hadrian's library site, tetraconch church 1
Totale 126

Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu Lug Ago Set Ott Nov Dic Tot
2022 00 0000 0022 01 5
2023 22 40211 10013 43 51
2024 44 211490 0000 00 70
Totale 126