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Showing results 49 to 68 of 80 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
003_010_000954_01.tif.jpg--20099Roma, Foro Romano, Giove dell'Ara dei DioscuriBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagealtars (religious fixtures)
003_010_000955_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma, Galleria Borghese. Sarcofago, tergo: figure delle MuseBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000886_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma, S. Sebastiano: sarcofago (fronte) (Ihm, Tav. XI, I)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000878_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma. Cimitero dei Ss. Marcellino e Pietro, frammento di sarcofago a fregio continuoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000907_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: catacomba di Commodilla, sarcofago incompiutoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000896_01.tif.jpg-300399Roma: catacombe di San Sebastiano, volta in stucco nell'interno del seplocro sub asciaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagecatacombs
003_010_000873_01.tif.jpg-200399Roma: Cimitero di San Sebastiano, frammenti della fronte di un sarcofagoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000959_01.tif.jpg-359359Roma: Grotte Vaticane, Sarcofago di Giunio BassoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  Bassus, Junius  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000957_01.tif.jpg-359359Roma: Grotte Vaticane, Sarcofago di Giunio Basso (particolare)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  Bassus, Junius  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000960_01.tif.jpg-359359Roma: Grotte Vaticane, Sarcofago di Giunio Basso: fronte: Cristo (particolare dell'ingresso in Gerusalemme)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  Bassus, Junius  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000961_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: Grotte Vaticane, Sarcofago di Pio IIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000914_01.tif.jpg-700899Roma: Museo del Campo Santo Teutonico, frammento di coperchio di sarcofagoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000915_01.tif.jpg-700899Roma: Museo del Campo Santo Teutonico, frammento di sarcofago a fregio continuoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000913_01.tif.jpg-700899Roma: Museo del Campo Santo Teutonico, piccolo frammento di sarcofagoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000879_01.tif.jpg-200399Roma: Museo di S. SebastianoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000882_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: Museo di S. Sebastiano: SarcofagoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000883_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: Museo di S. Sebastiano: Sarcofago a colonne ricostruito da frammentiBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000884_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: Museo di S. Sebastiano: Sarcofago a stelle e coroneBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000889_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: Museo di San Sebastiano, frammenti di sarcofago a colonneBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
003_010_000891_01.tif.jpg-100299Roma: Museo di San Sebastiano, frammento di sarcofagoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Roman workshop  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)