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Showing results 398 to 417 of 1475
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- De Minicis, M. 1
- De Rossi, Giovanni Battista 1
- De' Muti, Pietro 1
- De_Pace, Giulio 1
- Debar icon painting school 45
- Debarsko icon painting school 176
- Debraliata, Krastio 1
- Decio, Filippo 1
- Deligiannakis, Georgios 5
- Dell'Abate, Ramona 1
- Della Casa, Steve 1
- Della Valle, Rolando 1
- Demangel, René 1
- Dempster, Thomas 1
- Descousu, Celse Hugues 1
- Desiderio da Settignano 1
- Despot Manuel Katakouzinos and his wife Isabella of Lusignan 60
- Deusdedit 1
- Diamantopoulos, Themistoklis 3
- Dichov, Avram 76