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Authors: Dobias-Lalou, C.  
Title: Squeeze of igcyr136200 Dedication (?)
Date issued: 1979
Chronology: 2d half 4th Century B.C.
Historical Period: Hellenistic period
Subject: IGCyr136200 - Dedication (?)

Dobias-Lalou, C. Squeeze of igcyr136200 Dedication (?), 1979, Mission archéologique française

A block of dark grey marble with possibly a moulding at bottom, broken away at left and back (preserved dimensions 0.325 0.21 0.21 )

Inscribed on the face in two lines, very much chipped off, with guidelines (distant 0.02 )

Related documents: View of igcyr136200 Dedication (?)
Place: Cyrene, Libya  
Publisher: Università di Bologna
Languages: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Identifiers: CD 324
Project: IGCyr  
Fond: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (2nd edition)  
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Data provider: Mission Archéologique Française  
Rights holder: Mission Archéologique Française  
Appears in Collections:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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