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Authors: Abū al-Layṯ al-Samarqandī, Naṣr b. Muḥammad  
Yaḥyá ibn Abī Bakr al-Ḥanafī  
Title: Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, ms. 2987
Alternative title : 
بستان العارفين
هدية المهتدين
كتاب في بيان الاعتقاد
Transliterated title: Bustan al-'arifin
Hadiyyat al-muhtadin
Kitāb fī bayān al-iʻtiqād
Date issued: 1629
Date (Islamic calendar): 1039
Subject Keywords: Islamic Dogmatics
Hanafi Law
Arabic keywords: 
العقائد الإسلامية
الفقه الحنفي
Specimen notes: 

The date 1049[/1638] is on c. 62r.
The date 1039[/1629] is on c. 90v
Few glosses on the margins
The title "Hadiyyat al-muhtadin" is on c. 65r: no author is given.

Consistency and size: cc. I, 106, I; mm 207 x 154
Nontent notes: 

Multi-text manuscript
cc. 1v-62r: Abū al-Layṯ al-Samarqandī, Naṣr b. Muḥammad, Bustan al-'arifin
cc. 65r-90v: Hadiyyat al-muhtadin [fi masa'il al-fiqhiyya wa-al-tawhidiyya]. The work is divided in two sections (qism): Fi 'aqa'id ahl al-sunna, Fi al-furu'
cc. 95v-105r: Yahya b. Bakr al-Hanafi, Kitab fi bayan al-i'tiqad.

Place: Istanbul, Turkey  
Languages: Arabic
Bibliography: G. S. Assemani, Index librorum Bibliothecae marsilianae [...], Codices Arabici, pp. 75-79; n. 41; V. Rosen, Remarques sur les manuscrits orientaux de la Collection Marsigli à Bologne. IV. Liste des manuscrits arabes (Roma 1884), p. 221.
Medium: paper (fiber product)
Project: AMBULO Project  
Fond: Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna. Manoscritti arabi  
Physical type: manuscripts (documents)
codices (bound manuscripts)
Material and technique: handwriting
Data provider: Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna  
Rights holder: Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna  
Appears in Collections:AMBULO (Arabic Manuscripts in the Bologna University Library Online)

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