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Autore: Davesne, A.  
Titolo: Lines 14-24 of igcyr097100 Extinguishing reprisal rights
Data: 1976
Data secolare: 4th Century B.C.
Periodo storico: Classical period
Soggetto: IGCyr097100 - Report and accounts of extinguishing reprisals rights against Cyrenaeans
Parole chiave: Zeus Lykaios
Zeus Olympios

Davesne, A. Lines 14-24 of igcyr097100 Extinguishing reprisal rights, 1976, Mission Archéologique Française.

Seven fragments of a white marble panel, thicker at left than at right, with a moulding (now lost) above; six fragments are joining, forming fragment a (0.387 0.49 0.025 at left, 0.015 at right), which itself had lost the upper left angle before the publication); a seventh non-joining fragment is b (0.07 0.116 0.017); the total amounts approximately to the measures found in Oliverio's papers (0.4 0.65 0.018).

Inscribed on front face with six lines of verse (GVCyr033), immediately followed by the present text.

Documenti collegati: Fragment b of igcyr097100 Extinguishing reprisal rights
Fragment a of igcyr097100 Extinguishing reprisal rights
Luogo: Cyrene, Libya  
Editore: Università di Bologna
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Progetto: IGCyr  
Fondo: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (1st edition)  
Altre risorse:
Data provider: Mission Archéologique Française  
Detentore dei diritti: Mission Archéologique Française  
Compare nelle collezioni:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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