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Autore: Paci, G.  
Titolo: Fragment b of igcyr014300 Account of the damiergoi
Data secolare: 2nd Century B.C.
3rd Century B.C.
Periodo storico: Hellenistic period
Soggetto: IGCyr014300 - Accounts of the damiergoi

Paci, G. Fragment b of igcyr014300 Account of the damiergoi, Università degli Studi, Macerata.

Several fragments of a white marble panel : two adjoining fragments (a and c) found and published together, fragment b published separately, but adjoining a on top; the panel was progressively thicker from upper left to lower right. Fragment a) 0.19 0.22 0.035; fragment b) 0.09 0.07 0.04; fragment c) 0.155 0.23 0.06 .

Section A: ll. 1-7 inscribed on the entire width of the stone; section B: ll. 8-29 on two columns (i and ii); section C: ll. 30-32 on the entire width of the stone.

Documenti collegati: Fragments a+c of igcyr014300 Account of the damiergoi
Squeezes of igcyr014300 b+c in position Account of damiergoi
Fragment c of igcyr014300 Account of the damiergoi
Luogo: Cyrene, Libya  
Editore: Università di Bologna
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Progetto: IGCyr  
Fondo: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (1st edition)  
Altre risorse:
Data provider: Archivio Università Macerata  
Detentore dei diritti: Archivio Università Macerata  
Compare nelle collezioni:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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