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Autore: Reynolds, J.M.  
Titolo: Face of igcyr047 Epitaph of a man and his wife
Data secolare: 3rd Century A.D.
6th Century A.D.
5th Century A.D.
4th Century A.D.
Periodo storico: Roman period
Soggetto: GVCyr047 - Epitaph of a man and his wife

Reynolds, J. Face of igcyr047 Epitaph of a man and his wife, inv. n. JMR_521_001. IRCyr project.

Limestone block, cut off on the left or belonging to a larger monument (0.90 0.32 depth not measured).

Inscribed on one face, inside a tabella ansata, only the upper right part of which survives; a palm branch is cut inside the upper ansa. Another inscription (text b) is cut outside the tabella in correspondance with line 3.

Luogo: Ptolemais, Libya  
Editore: Università di Bologna
Lingue: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Progetto: IGCyr  
Fondo: IGCyr | GVCyr Images (1st edition)  
Altre risorse:
Data provider: IRCyr project  
Detentore dei diritti: IRCyr project  
Compare nelle collezioni:IGCyr | GVCyr Images

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