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Contributors: Anicia Giuliana  
Title: Venezia - Basilica di S. Marco. Uno dei Pilastri portati da S. Giovanni d'Acri (VI Secolo)( Alinari) P.e I.a N. 12364
Start date: 524
End date: 527
Historical Period: Early Byzantine/Late Antique Period

Detail of the capital and shaft of the two so-called “Pillars of Acre”, now in front of St. Mark's Basilica, in Venice. The pilasters, bearing a rich phytomorphic decoration (acanthus, vine and grapes, palms, rosettes), originally derived from the Church of St. Polyeuctus in Constantinople (see the monogram on the pillar), built by the noblewoman Anicia Juliana.

Place: St Mark's Basilica, Italy  
Languages: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Medium: marble (rock)
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: UNIBO Zeri Foundation  
Physical type: capitals (column components)
piers (supporting elements)
Material and technique: carving (processes)
Data provider: University of Bologna  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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