IGCyr Community home page

The Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica (IGCyr) project is part of the wider international Inscriptions of Libya (InsLib) project, incorporating the Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (IRCyr), the Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (IRT), including the ostraka from Bu Ngem, and further collections in preparation. This collection, pertaining to the digital epigraphic corpora Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica and Greek Verse inscriptions of Cyrenaica, includes images related to the great majority of the inscriptions from Greek Cyrenaica (VII-I BC) and to the Greek verse inscriptions from Greek and Roman Cyrenaica (VII BC-VII AD).The collaborative undertaking involves the Universities of Bologna (Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà), Macerata (Dipartimento di Studi umanistici), Paris IV Sorbonne (Centre de recherche sur la Libye antique) and King's College London (Centre for Hellenic Studies and Department of Digital Humanities).

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IGCyr | GVCyr Images    

Greek and Roman epigraphic heritage from ancient Cyrenaica coming from a variety of archives and collections.