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Authors: Nicholas of Verdun  
Title: Klosterneuburg (Austria): Altare di Verdun (1181). Tavola n. II/12:
Start date: 1181
End date: 1181
Historical Period: Western Middle Ages

Enamelled panel depicting the Death of the firstborn (one of the so-called Plagues of Egypt in the Bible) from the so-called Verdun Altar. Latine inscription: “Percussio Egipti sanguine plebs posses munitions, nectar angelus hostes”

Place: Klosterneuburg, Austria  
Languages: Latin
Medium: enamel (fused coating)
gold (metal)
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: UNIBO Bovini Archive  
Physical type: altars (religious fixtures)
Material and technique: enameling
Data provider: University of Bologna  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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