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Contributors: Theodorus of Ravenna  
Title: Sarcophagus of Archbishop Theodorus
Start date: 400
End date: 499
Historical Period: Early Byzantine/Late Antique Period

Early-Byzantine sarcophagus re-used at the end of the 7th c. AD to deposit the body of Theodorus, Archbishop of Ravenna. It features a vaulted lid bearing apocalyptic crosses and a Christogram surrounded by wreaths. The front of the casket is decorated in the middle with a Christogram on clipeus. The sides depict a symmetric composition of peacocks, vine scrolls and doves at the bottom. The sides of the lid and the casket feature a similar pattern, with a cross at the centre, surrounded by blooming scrolls, doves and rosettes. The lid along the front margin bears a Latin inscription, remembering the deceased.

Place: Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Italy  
Languages: Latin
Medium: marble (rock)
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: UNIBO Zeri Foundation  
Physical type: sarcophagi (coffins)
Material and technique: carving (processes)
relief (sculpture techniques)
Data provider: University of Bologna  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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