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Title: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation: Mosaic floor from the House of Gladiators, Kourion

A heavily armed gladiator named Lytras, holding a dagger with an upturned point, advanced steadily againsthis adversary, of whom only the helmeted head and a foot are preserved. Between the two duellists stands an unarmed figure dressed in rich civilian clothes, holding in his left hand a green rod, while with his right hand he tries to control the aggressive Lytras. The central figure is called Darios and is the referee of the duel.

Place: Kourion, United Kingdom  
Languages: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Medium: marble (rock)
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: OUC Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation  
Physical type: mosaics (visual works)
Material and technique: mosaic (process)
Data provider: Open University of Cyprus  
License: All rights reserved
Rights holder: Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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