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Authors: Vincent of Kastav  
Title: Beram (Jugoslavia). Chiesa di Ss. Marija na Škriljinah. Affresco della danza macabra (Pittore Vincenzo da Castrea, 1474)
Start date: 1474
End date: 1474
Historical Period: Western Middle Ages

Fresco depicting the Dance of Death: along with the dancing dead, the pope, the cardinal and the bishop, the king and the queen, a fat innkeeper, a child, a beggar and a soldier and a trader move toward the open grave in a silent procession. The dancing skeletons move along the rhythm set by the death itself by playing the bagpipes.

Place: Church of St. Mary on Škriljinah, Croatia  
Languages: No linguistic content; Not applicable
Project: BYZART Project  
Fond: UNIBO Bovini Archive  
Physical type: frescoes (paintings)
Material and technique: fresco painting (technique)
Data provider: University of Bologna  
Appears in Collections:BYZART

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