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1005_004_059262_01.jpg.jpg-886912Istanbul, Basilica di Santa Sofia, Lunetta della porta imperiale con Cristo in trono e Leone VIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Byzantine master mosaicists of Santa Sofia  Leo VI  still imagewall coverings
2005_004_059263_01.jpg.jpg-886912Istanbul, Basilica di Santa Sofia, Lunetta della porta imperiale con Cristo in trono e Leone VIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Byzantine master mosaicists of Santa Sofia  Leo VI  still imagewall coverings
3005_004_059264_01.jpg.jpg-886912Istanbul, Basilica di Santa Sofia, Lunetta della porta imperiale con Cristo in trono e Leone VIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Byzantine master mosaicists of Santa Sofia  Leo VI  still imagewall coverings
4005_004_059260_01.jpg.jpg-886912Istanbul, Basilica di Santa Sofia, Lunetta della porta imperiale con Cristo in trono e Leone VI, particolareBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Byzantine master mosaicists of Santa Sofia  Leo VI  still imagewall coverings
5005_004_059261_01.jpg.jpg-886912Istanbul, Basilica di Santa Sofia, Lunetta della porta imperiale con Cristo in trono e Leone VI, particolareBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Byzantine master mosaicists of Santa Sofia  Leo VI  still imagewall coverings