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1003_010_008334_01.tif.jpg-Parenzo (Jugoslavia): Museo (Foto Harturig Köppermann - Monaco)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Koppermann, Harturing  still imageslabs (flat objects)
2003_010_008335_01.tif.jpg-Parenzo (Jugoslavia): Museo. Frammento di sarcofago ad alberi (Foto Harturig Köppermann - Monaco)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Koppermann, Harturing  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
3003_010_008246_01.tif.jpg-Porec, Croatia, Museum, Fragment of sarcophagus with Daniel among Lions (Photo Harturig Köppermann - Munich).BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Koppermann, Harturing  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)