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1003_002_075512_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
2003_002_075488_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
3003_002_075514_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
4003_002_075507_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
5003_002_075499_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
6003_002_075511_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
7003_002_075509_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
8003_002_075504_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
9003_002_075485_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
10003_002_075501_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
11003_002_075506_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
12003_002_075497_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
13003_002_075491_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
14003_002_075516_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
15003_002_075493_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
16003_002_075496_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
17003_002_075486_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
18003_002_075498_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
19003_002_075515_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)
20003_002_075495_01.JPG.jpg-10001199Greece, Patmos, monastery of St. John the TheologianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Christodoulos, Hosios  still imagemonasteries (built complexes)