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1006_013_063777_01.tif.jpg-11001199Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus, Sychari, Monastery of Panagia (Our Lady) Apsinthiotissa, katholikon, wall painting (D19824)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
2006_013_063779_01.tif.jpg-11001199Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus, Sychari, Monastery of Panagia (Our Lady) Apsinthiotissa, narthex, north end of east wall, wall painting (J6379)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
3006_013_063771_01.tif.jpg-11001100Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus, Sychari, Monastery of Panagia (Our Lady) Apsinthiotissa, north-east view of katholikon (B20768)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagekatholika