
Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
1003_009_003122_01.tif.jpg-1100119910898 - Monreale - Convento dei Benedettini. Capitelli del Chiostro, secolo XIIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagecolumns (architectural elements); capitals (column components)
2004_023_038508_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
3004_023_038527_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
4004_023_038531_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
5004_023_038509_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
6004_023_038498_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
7004_023_038503_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
8004_023_038501_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagecolumns (architectural elements); capitals (column components); mosaics (visual works)
9004_023_038528_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
10004_023_038500_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagecolumns (architectural elements); capitals (column components); mosaics (visual works)
11004_023_038502_01.tif.jpg-11001299Cathedral of Monreale, Sicily, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
12003_009_003121_01.tif.jpg-11001199Monreale - Convento dei Benedettini. Capitelli del Chiostro, secolo XII. 10900BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagecolumns (architectural elements); capitals (column components)
13003_010_004844_01.tif.jpg-12001299Monreale, interno del duomoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
14003_010_004832_01.tif.jpg-12001299Monreale. DuomoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  William II of Sicily  still imagecathedrals (works by context)
15003_010_005519_01.tif.jpg-11001299Monreale. EsaĆ¹BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
16003_010_004849_01.tif.jpg-12001299Monreale: Cattedrale. Fuga di S. Paolo da DamascoBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
17003_010_004860_01.tif.jpg-12001299Monreale: Cattedrale. Particolare della volta del coro: tetramorfo, serafino, gli arcangeli Raffaele e MicheleBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)