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1003_009_000249_01.tif.jpg-300399Roma - Museo Cristiano Lateranense. Sarcofago con la Vendemmia e tre figure del Buon Pastore. ( Alinari) P.e I.e N.° 6406BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
2003_009_000251_01.tif.jpg-30039928886 - Roma - Miracoli di Cristo - Fronte di Sarcofago - Museo Laterano (Stab. D. Anderson 1929)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)
3003_009_000250_01.tif.jpg-26026024192 - Roma. Sarcofago cristiano - secolo III - Museo Laterano Ripr. Int. Anderson - RomaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagesarcophagi (coffins)