UNIBO Italian Archaeological School at Athens

UNIBO SAIA.jpg picture
UNIBO Italian Archaeological School at Athens
Alternative Name
SAIA archive
Creator (Corporate Body)
The collection includes a significant amount of images from the photographic archive of the Italian Archaeological School in Athens, made available thanks to the long-standing collaboration established with the Department of Archaeology in the context of archaeological research in Crete and the Dodecanese. The archive of Byzantine-related materials consists in the digital reproduction of slides and cardboards and represents a unique source of information not only about art and architecture, but also about the history of the Italian Archaeological School itself in Greece. One of the most interesting and valuable sections of this collection is about watercolors and old photos dating to the dawn of modern archaeology.
Collection pertaining to the Italian Archaeological School in Athens.
1766 items
Creation Time
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Fond Documents

Results 1-20 of 1766 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
1003_032_089001_01.tif.jpg-5005991991 Basilica Mitropolis - saggio IIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
2003_032_088999_01.tif.jpg-5005991991 Basilica Mitropolis - saggio IIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
3003_032_089000_01.tif.jpg-5005991991 Basilica Mitropolis - saggio IIBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
4003_032_089631_01.tif.jpg-3005992-4) Rodi - Villa S. Benedetto (Kolymbia)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
5003_032_089633_01.tif.jpg-3005992-4) Rodi - Villa S. Benedetto (Kolymbia)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
6003_032_089632_01.tif.jpg-3005992-4) Rodi - Villa S. Benedetto (Kolymbia)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
127003_032_090007_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
128003_032_090013_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
129003_032_090016_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
130003_032_090008_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitectural elements
131003_032_090011_01.tif.jpg-3005995708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image
132003_032_090009_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
133003_032_090018_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
14003_032_090012_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
15003_032_090015_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
16003_032_090017_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
17003_032_090014_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageepigraphs
18003_032_090010_01.tif.jpg-5708 - 5713 - 5714 - 5714 Pyli (Pozzo) - ? - ChiesaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitectural elements
19003_032_088816_01.jpg.jpg-14641466Ademaro Dupuy 1464-1466BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagedrawings (visual works)
20003_032_088825_01.jpg.jpg-14651465Al posto di combattimento nel 1465BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitectural drawings (visual works)