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UNIBO Collection
Creator (Corporate Body)
The collection includes the photographic documentation collected and preserved by research groups as part of archaeological missions or research projects of the Uniervsity of Bologna throughout the Byzantine Mediterranean. Before digitization, this material was preserved on heterogeneous media such as negatives, b/w and color printed photographs, digital images and videos. It pertains to monuments, archaeological sites and artifacts photographed for personal and scientific documentation over the last fifty years.
Collection pertaining to the Chair of Christian and Medieval Archaeology of the University of Bologna
13021 items
Creation Time
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Fond Documents

Results 1-20 of 13020 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
1003_002_031178_01.tif.jpg-30030013. Split, Palace of Diocletian, "Peristyle" (reconstruction by T. Marasovic)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitectural drawings (visual works)
2003_002_004410_01.tif.jpg-50059956 - Palazzo di Teodorico, Portico A, Frammento N. IBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemosaics (visual works)
3003_002_118145_01.jpg.jpg-1910191975 Rodi, Ag. Nikolaos tower (1912)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image
4003_002_004322_01.tif.jpg-400599818 - Teodorico. Probabile ritratto di T. Ravenna, S. Apollinare Nuovo (fot. Ist. Arch. Germanico)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagebusts (general, figures); mosaics (visual works)
5003_002_118198_01.jpg.jpg-19101919A. Evans in Gortyn (from "L'archeologia italiana nel Mediterraneo" 2010)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image
6003_002_010462_01.tif.jpg-Acanthus Column, Archaeological Museum of Eretria, 1987BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitectural elements
7003_002_007528_01.tif.jpg--400-1Acropolis of Aiane, round shape cisternBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagecisterns (plumbing components)
8003_002_011302_01.tif.jpg-Acropolis of ancient Miletus (Turkey), aerial view, 1987BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageexcavations (sites)
9003_002_011290_01.tif.jpg-200299Acropolis of Aspendos, roman basilicaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagebasilicas (works by form)
10003_002_007827_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
11003_002_007831_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
12003_002_007833_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
13003_002_007835_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
14003_002_007826_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
15003_002_007832_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
16003_002_007830_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
17003_002_007829_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
18003_002_007836_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Doric temple of AfeaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagereligious buildings
19003_002_007834_01.tif.jpg--500-401Aegina, Temple of Afea, doric capitalBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagecapitals (column components); religious buildings
20003_002_011490_01.tif.jpg-Aerial view of archaeological area of Paestum, ItalyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageexcavations (sites)