IAS-BAS Stefan Boyadzhiev Archive

IAS-BAS Stefan Boyadzhiev Archive.jpg picture
IAS-BAS Stefan Boyadzhiev Archive
Creator (Person)
The collection consists of pictures depicting monuments of the Roman, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art on the territory of Bulgaria and its neighbouring countries in the Balkan Peninsula.
Personal archive of photographs taken during S. Boyadzhiev's research projects.
5401 items
Creation Time
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Fond Documents

Results 1-20 of 5401 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
1007_033_073412_01.jpg.jpg-100399Abritus, Razgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
2007_033_073409_01.jpg.jpg-100399Abritus, Razgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
3007_033_073410_01.jpg.jpg-100399Abritus, Razgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
4007_033_073411_01.jpg.jpg-100399Abritus, Razgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
5007_033_073408_01.jpg.jpg-100399Abritus, Razgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
6007_033_096280_01.jpg.jpg-100299The Amphitheatre of SerdicaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image
7007_033_098067_01.jpg.jpg-Arapovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
8007_033_123830_01.jpg.jpg-19001999Arapovski monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings); architecture (object genre)
9007_033_097104_01.jpg.jpg-Archaeological researchesBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageexcavations (sites)
10007_033_095688_01.jpg.jpg-Argolide,Navplo-Nea Moni,CorintBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
11007_033_098270_01.jpg.jpg-10001099Asen's fortress, Asenovgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
12007_033_098275_01.jpg.jpg-10001099Asen's fortress, Asenovgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
13007_033_098274_01.jpg.jpg-10001099Asen's fortress, Asenovgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
14007_033_098277_01.jpg.jpg-10001099Assen's fortress, Asenovgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
15007_033_098276_01.jpg.jpg-10001099Assen's fortress, Asenovgrad townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
16007_033_073499_01.jpg.jpg-300599Augusta Traiana (Stara Zagora)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
17007_033_073511_01.jpg.jpg-300599Augusta Traiana (Stara Zagora)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
18007_033_073520_01.jpg.jpg-300599Augusta Traiana (Stara Zagora)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
19007_033_073492_01.jpg.jpg-300599Augusta Traiana (Stara Zagora)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)
20007_033_073518_01.jpg.jpg-300599Augusta Traiana (Stara Zagora)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitecture (object genre)