IAS-BAS Lilyana Mavrodinova Archive

IAS-BAS Lilyana Mavrodinova Archive.jpg picture
IAS-BAS Lilyana Mavrodinova Archive
Creator (Person)
The collection consists of pictures depicting monuments of the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art on the territory of Bulgaria and its neighbouring countries in the Balkan Peninsula.
Personal archive of photographs taken during L. Mavrodinova's research projects
4713 items
Creation Time
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Fond Documents

Results 101-120 of 4713 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
101007_034_083800_01.jpg.jpg-13001399Ascension of Christ, Kuchevishte villageBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
102007_034_083802_01.jpg.jpg-13001399Ascension of Christ, Kuchevishte villageBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
103007_034_083803_01.jpg.jpg-13001399Ascension of Christ, Kuchevishte villageBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings)
104007_034_103976_01.jpg.jpg-18081808Assumption of Prophet Elijah. ReliquariumBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemetalwork (visual works)
105007_034_092389_01.jpg.jpg-17001799Athanasius of AlexandriaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
106007_034_092390_01.jpg.jpg-17001799Athanasius of AlexandriaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
107007_034_092271_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Athanasius of AlexandriaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
108007_034_083792_01.jpg.jpg-8991199Avradaka locality near Preslav town, the second capital of the First Bulgarian KingdomBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image
109007_034_092878_01.jpg.jpg-18411841Bachkovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
110007_034_092659_01.jpg.jpg-18411841Bachkovo MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
111007_034_092625_01.jpg.jpg-18411841Bachkovo MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
112007_034_092422_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Bachkovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
113007_034_126568_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Bachkovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
114007_034_091714_01.jpg.jpg-Bachkovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemetalwork (visual works)
115007_034_126573_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Bachkovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
116007_034_103966_01.jpg.jpg-18461846Bachkovo MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Aleksi Atanasov  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
117007_034_092638_01.jpg.jpg-18411841Bachkovo MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
118007_034_092651_01.jpg.jpg-18411841Bachkovo MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
119007_034_126570_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Bachkovo monasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
120007_034_103963_01.jpg.jpg-18461846Bachkovo MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Aleksi Atanasov  still imagemural paintings (visual works)