IAS-BAS Masters of the Art School of Debar in Bulgaria

IAS-BAS Masters of the Art School of Debar in Bulgaria.jpg picture
IAS-BAS Masters of the Art School of Debar in Bulgaria
Livello di descrizione superiore
The collection consists of pictures of architecture and interior decoration o churches in Debar, as well as works by the icon-painters from the Art school of Debar (present-day Republic of Macedonia).
Storia archivistica
Collection pertaining to BAS-IAS Masters of the art school of Debar in Bulgaria’s Northwest archive.
456 items
Data di creazione
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Autore:  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec

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PreviewData di pubblicazioneEstremo cronologico inizialeEstremo cronologico finaleTitoloFondo RadiceAutore/iAltri autoriTipo di risorsaTipologia fisicaNumero di corda
1007_038_114341_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
2007_038_114327_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
3007_038_114324_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
4007_038_114329_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
45007_038_114339_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
46007_038_114352_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
47007_038_114345_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
48007_038_114338_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
9007_038_114323_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
10007_038_114343_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
11007_038_114357_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
12007_038_114348_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
13007_038_114322_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
14007_038_114340_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imageicons (devotional images)
15007_038_114337_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
16007_038_114354_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
17007_038_114355_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
18007_038_114313_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
19007_038_114326_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
20007_038_114309_01.jpg.jpg-18831883Church Ascension of Christ, Florentin village (Bulgaria)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Avram Dichov, Petre Debrenec  still imagemural paintings (visual works)