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Showing results 29646 to 29665 of 80785 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleFond RootAuthor(s)Other authorsResource typePhysical typeArchival unit
003_002_118192_01.jpg.jpg-19101919F. Halbherr (from "Inventario delle Carte di F. Halbherr" 1994)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image
01-copertina.tif.jpgJan-1933Fa La Cortesia: Festa delle Matricole, 1933, numero unico, Gennaiostill imagebooks
003_002_021972_01.tif.jpg--325-300Facade of the so-called Judgment Tomb, Lefkadia, GreeceBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still image<tombs by function>
003_032_088861_01.jpg.jpg-Facciata internaBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagearchitectural drawings (visual works)
igcyr124000-1-face and back.tiff.jpg1997Face and back of igcyr124000 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
igcyr087000-2-face+statue.tiff.jpg-19701993Face and statue of igcyr087000 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
igcyr104100-1-face.tiff.jpg-Face and upper side of igcyr104100 Public honours for AiglanorIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Reynolds, J.M.  still image
igcyr108500-1-face-fgtb.tiff.jpg1993Face fragment b of igcyr108500 Dedication with telesphoriaIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Reynolds, J.M.  still image
igcyr018700-1-fgta-face.tiff.jpg1927Face of fgt a of igcyr018700 Dedication to ApolloIGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
igcyr100400-1-face-fgt a.tiff.jpg2010Face of fragment a of igcyr100400 Sacred regulationIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
igcyr088200-2-fgtb.tiff.jpg-Face of fragment b of igcyr088200 Account of damiergoiIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image
igcyr092000-3-frg b.tiff.jpg-Face of fragment b of igcyr092000 Dedication to AphroditeIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Reynolds, J.M.  still image
igcyr100400-2-face-fgt b.tiff.jpg-19201935Face of fragment b of igcyr100400 Sacred regulationIGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
gvcyr001-1-face-fix.jpg.jpg-Face of gvcyr001 Epitaph of KoisonIGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
gvcyr002-2-face.tiff.jpg-Face of gvcyr002 Epitaph of ArataIGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
gvcyr003-face.tiff.jpg-Face of gvcyr003 Honours or epitaph (?)IGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
gvcyr004-face.tiff.jpg1993Face of gvcyr004 EpitaphIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Hassuna, A.  still image
gvcyr005-face.tiff.jpg-Face of gvcyr005 Epitaph of BerenikaIGCyr | GVCyr Images  still image
gvcyr006-1-face.tiff.jpg1993Face of gvcyr006 Epitaph of a dogIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Hassuna, A.  still image
gvcyr007-face.tiff.jpg2010Face of gvcyr007 Epitaph of StlakkieIGCyr | GVCyr Images  Dobias-Lalou, C.  still image