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Showing results 45307 to 45326 of 80391 < previous   next >
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007_036_108967_01.jpg.jpg-18801889Nativity of Virgin MaryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Daronas, Iakovos  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_028_021345_01.jpg.jpg-17001799Nativity of Virgin MaryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_028_107533_01.jpg.jpg-16001699Nativity of Virgin MaryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_028_021346_01.jpg.jpg-17001799Nativity of Virgin MaryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_028_021350_01.jpg.jpg-17001799Nativity of Virgin MaryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageicons (devotional images)
007_034_103973_01.jpg.jpg-18701870Nativity of Virgin Mary and picture of the Belyova Church, Samokov townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageengravings (prints)
007_028_014445_01.jpg.jpg-18391840Nativity of Virgin Mary chapelBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imagechurches (buildings); architecture (object genre)
007_028_108089_01.jpg.jpg-17001799The Nativity of Virgin Mary Chapel, Kilifarevski MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works); icons (devotional images)
007_028_108092_01.jpg.jpg-17001799The Nativity of Virgin Mary Chapel, Kilifarevski MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_108091_01.jpg.jpg-17001799The Nativity of Virgin Mary Chapel, Kilifarevski MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_108090_01.jpg.jpg-17001799The Nativity of Virgin Mary Chapel, Kilifarevski MonasteryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100892_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100885_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100889_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100887_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100891_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100890_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100893_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imagefurnishings (works)
007_028_100888_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)
007_028_100899_01.jpg.jpg-18001899Nativity of Virgin Mary Church, Berkovitsa townBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Stycho Fandakov wood carver  ; Samokov icon painting school  still imageiconostases; woodwork (general works)