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006_018_045628_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: Mural painting of the part of the Second Coming, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (8-8,113)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045519_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: Mural painting of The Presentation of the Virgin, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (2-2,42)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045625_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: Mural painting of the resurrection, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (8-8, 108)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045624_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: Mural painting of the testing of the Crosses and the miracle of the resurrection of the dying woman, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1,79)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045513_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: Mural painting of the vision of St Peter of Alexandria,Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1, 105)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045606_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: North-west view of the naos, Church of the Holy Cross of AyiasmatiBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052455_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: St George, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (6-6,54)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052450_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: St Kyriakos the Anchorite, St Onoupgrios, St Illarion, and St Demetrios, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (2-2,39)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052646_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: St Nicholas and the Apostles Andrew and Peter, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1, 71)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052448_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: St Paul the Apostle, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (2-2,33)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_119470_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: St Theodore Stratelates, St Bechianos, St Stephen the Younger and St John Klimax, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1, 65)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052444_01.jpg.jpg-Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The Archangel Michael, The Abbot Zosimas and St Mary of Egypt, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (2-2, 22,31, 32)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052696_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The excavation of the True Cross, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1,76)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052446_01.JPG.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The meeting between Joshua and the Arcangel Michael, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (4-4, 29)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052445_01.JPG.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The Miracle at Chonai,Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati ( 3-3,25)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052684_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The narrative ctcle of the Discovery and Exaltation of the True Cross, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1, 72-82)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052716_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The testing of the Crosses and the miracle of the resurrection of the dying woman, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1,79)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_052441_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The Virgin Mary and St John the Baptist supplicating, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati (1-1, 91; 2-2, 21)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045516_01.JPG.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou: The west end of the naos with the steps down from the ambulatoryBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)
006_018_045495_01.jpg.jpg-14941494Holy Bishopric of Morphou:Mural painting of the Virgin Blachernitissa, Church of the Holy Cross of Ayiasmati, (3-3,1)BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Goul, Philippos  still imagemural paintings (visual works)