Ricerca per Autore Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli

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PreviewData di pubblicazioneEstremo cronologico inizialeEstremo cronologico finaleTitoloFondo RadiceAutore/iAltri autoriTipo di risorsaTipologia fisicaNumero di corda
007_031_121182_01.jpg.jpg-Pergamon (Bergama), TurkeyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121196_01.jpg.jpg-Pergamon (Bergama), TurkeyBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115186_01.jpg.jpg--600499The ruins of the Temple of ArtemisBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121417_01.jpg.jpg--600499The ruins of the Temple of ArtemisBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115180_01.jpg.jpg--400-301The ruins of the TheaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121411_01.jpg.jpg--400-301The ruins of the TheaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115175_01.jpg.jpg-200299The so called "Seven sleepers"?BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121406_01.jpg.jpg-200299The so called "Seven sleepers"?BYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115177_01.jpg.jpg--400-301Stairs to the theaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121408_01.jpg.jpg--400-301Stairs to the theaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121401_01.jpg.jpg-A street in EphesusBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115173_01.jpg.jpg-Street in EphesusBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121404_01.jpg.jpg-Street in EphesusBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115170_01.jpg.jpg-A street in EphesusBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121400_01.jpg.jpg-100199The Temple of HadrianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; churches (buildings); architecture (object genre)
007_028_115169_01.jpg.jpg-100199The Temple of HadrianBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121416_01.jpg.jpg-1199The TheaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115184_01.jpg.jpg-1199The TheaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_028_115185_01.jpg.jpg-1199The TheaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)
007_031_121415_01.jpg.jpg-1199The TheaterBYZART. Byzantine art and archaeology  Chaneva-Dechevska, Neli  still imagearchaeological objects; architecture (object genre)